▶ How to write YouTube titles that get clicks

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Are you struggling to get views on your videos, yet you tried everything, or at least you think you did?
YouTube titles play a massive role in the success of your video and a big role in that are the psychological aspects.

Mike and I spoke to Jake Thomas, the mind behind Creator Hooks, a tool and newsletter to come up with better YouTube titles.

We will unfold the secret and give you a step-by-step guide to crafting titles that give you the best chance of making a one-in-a-million viral video.

Worth Watching

Part of what I do daily is consume a lot of content and here are some of my favorites:

We created a full YouTube Idea Bank with all the previous outliers.

The Power of YouTube Titles

Your video title is the first interaction potential viewers have with your content, which makes it so important to capture attention in just a few words.

According to Jake Thomas, the best titles are those that provoke curiosity without misleading the viewer.

Top creators like MrBeast have successfully used this approach, adding curiosity-driven elements throughout their videos that just make you want to click.

Curiosity Gaps

A curiosity gap is where the title leaves out a crucial piece of information that prompts the viewer to click to satisfy their curiosity.

For example, BuzzFeed was known for titles like "34 National Parks You Should Visit—You’ll Never Guess Number 17."

While titles like that could sometimes be labeled as clickbait, they draw the viewer in by creating a sense of suspense. Jake advises creators to use this technique but in a more refined way to avoid overhyping the content.

Rather than being overtly dramatic, today's best-performing titles subtly hint at valuable information without giving everything away.

A title like "The One National Park You Must Visit This Summer" builds curiosity, leaving out key details that compel viewers to find out which park is being discussed.

Click Triggers

A few click triggers that are central to title creation, including:

  • Fear: Making viewers worry about missing out on essential information.
  • Desire: Highlighting something people want to achieve.
  • Timeliness: Using specific timeframes to create urgency (e.g., "How to Start a YouTube Channel in 30 Days").
  • Curiosity: Leaving the viewer with a question or an unresolved loop.

These triggers play on basic human emotions and can be used to craft titles that are both engaging and relevant to the content.

“Why I Stopped Asking for Subscribers” plays on curiosity and fear, as viewers want to know why this unconventional tactic could work.

Remixing Proven Title Formulas

While trends evolve, certain title strategies remain evergreen. A common approach is remixing successful titles from other niches and adapting them to fit your content.

For example, a popular title in the finance niche might be “10 Best Credit Cards in 2020” which could be adapted for a fishing channel to “10 Best Fishing Rods in 2024”.

This technique, which Jake refers to as the DJ Khaled method, allows creators to build on titles that have already been proven to work, but with a fresh angle for a new audience.

When exploring your niche or other industries, take note of high-performing videos and consider how you can add your own spin on similar topics.

First-Person Pronouns: Building Credibility

Titles that use “I” or “my” often perform better because the content is based on personal experience, making it more trustworthy.

For example, “How I Made $1 Million in 2024” is more engaging than “How to Make $1 Million in 2024,” as it suggests that the creator has real, first-hand knowledge of the subject.

As content creation evolves with AI-generated material, viewers will increasingly value credibility and authenticity, making personal stories and experiences even more valuable.

However, note that this method may not apply to every type of video; instructional videos or goal-oriented content might perform better with generic "how-to" titles. Like "How to do your taxes".

A/B Testing

By testing two or more versions of a title, creators can see which one generates the highest click-through rate and audience engagement. We use this method to continually learn more about what resonates with the audience.

Beyond just improving individual video performance, A/B testing helps creators understand their audience's preferences on a deeper level, allowing them to apply successful strategies to future content.

By regularly analyzing the results of these tests, you can spot trends and preferences that will inform your title-creation process moving forward.

Creator Hooks’ Title Generator

One of Jake’s most useful tools is the Creator Hooks title generator, which applies a database of successful YouTube titles across various niches to generate new ideas. This tool allows creators to input the type of video they’re making and select a click trigger, such as curiosity or timeliness. The generator then draws from its database to create titles with proven effectiveness.

For example, if you wanted to focus on a curiosity-based title, you could use the tool to generate ideas like “Why I Stopped Using This Popular Tool” or “The Surprising Truth About My 30-Day Challenge.” By testing different triggers, creators can ensure their titles align with the video's content while maximizing the chance of attracting clicks.

Sign up for Creator Hooks yourself

Clickbait and Building Trust

While curiosity is a powerful tool, it’s essential not to fall into the trap of creating clickbait titles.

Clickbait can damage your channel’s reputation if the content doesn't deliver on the promise made in the title. For long-term success, there must be alignment between the title and the content. Avoid overhyping your videos in a way that leads to viewer disappointment.

Titles should create intrigue but must remain accurate and reflective of what the audience will see.

So next time you are coming up with a new title use psychological triggers like curiosity gaps, fear, and desire, to improve viewer engagement.

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YouTube Title Strategies Explained By An Industry Expert

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