▶ How to automate your sales from YouTube


Today's email is something I wish I had received a long time ago. It's so simple that I can't find an easy explanation for it, so I want to share this with people in the same situation as I was.

Today I'm covering in detail how to set up a simple sales funnel, for free and automated.
I usually talk about generating more qualified traffic from YouTube, but what happens from there? How do we convert those eyeballs into dollar signs?

Worth Watching

Part of what I do daily is consume a lot of content and here are some of my favorites:

Automate Your Content Sales Funnel

Building an audience, having true followers and generating traffic is great, but what to do with that? And what happens if our YouTube or Instagram account gets blocked?

Whether you're just starting out or already juggling a million things, I'm here to show you how this can make it a no-brainer for you to get started, grow your list up to 10,000 subscribers without paying a dollar, and even automate some of the work to save your most valuable asset—time.

I will walk you through the 4 steps in detail.

We will put this exact system for one of our Mastermind clients with 140k subscribers in practice.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Think of a sales funnel as a journey that your audience takes, starting from when they first discover you, all the way to when they become loyal customers. It’s called a funnel because, just like a real funnel, it starts broad at the top and narrows as people move through the stages.

There are four main stages in a basic sales funnel:

  1. Awareness: This is where people first discover you. Maybe they stumble upon your YouTube video, your blog post, or your Instagram page.
  2. Interest: Now, they’re curious. They want to learn more about you and what you offer.
  3. Desire: At this point, they’re considering whether what you offer is the right solution for them.
  4. Action: Finally, they make a decision—whether it’s subscribing to your newsletter, purchasing a product, or signing up for a service.

Our goal is to create a funnel that moves your audience smoothly through these stages, starting with awareness and ending with action.

Sales Funnel Set Up

We’re going to break this down into easy steps, and by the end, you’ll have a fully functioning automated funnel that’s ready to go, saving you lots of time.

Step 1: Create a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is something valuable that you offer for free in exchange for someone’s email address. This could be a free eBook, a checklist, a template, or even access to a private video or webinar.

Think about your audience. What’s something that they would find valuable? If you’re a fitness coach, it could be a 7-day workout plan. If you’re a blogger, maybe it’s a guide on how to start a blog. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something your audience can’t resist.

Step 2: Set Up a Landing Page

Next, you need a landing page. A landing page is a simple webpage where people can sign up for your lead magnet. This is where ConvertKit’s free newsletter plan comes in handy.

  1. Sign up for ConvertKit if you haven’t already. It’s free, and you can start setting up your funnel right away.
  2. Once you’re in, go to the “Landing Pages & Forms” section and click on “Create New.” Choose “Landing Page” and then pick a template that fits your brand. ConvertKit has a bunch of beautiful, customizable templates to choose from.
  3. Customize Your Landing Page: Add your headline, a brief description of your lead magnet, and make sure to include a strong call-to-action like “Get Your Free Guide” or “Download Now.”
  4. Set Up the Form: This is where you’ll collect email addresses. ConvertKit makes it super easy—just drag and drop the form elements you need. Don’t forget to connect your lead magnet so that once someone signs up, they automatically receive it.
  5. Thank You Page: After someone signs up, you’ll want to send them to a thank you page. This is a simple page that says “Thank you for signing up!” and maybe includes some next steps, like checking their email for the download link.

Step 3: Create an Email Sequence

Now that you’ve captured your audience’s email, it’s time to nurture those leads with an email sequence. This is where you build trust and start guiding them toward the action you want them to take.
These emails are more targeted and “salesy” as people opt into this compared to your top-of-funnel audience.

In ConvertKit, go to the “Sequences” tab and create a new email sequence. Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  1. Email 1: Welcome & Deliver the Lead Magnet
    • Subject: "Welcome! Here’s your [Lead Magnet Name]"
    • Body: Thank them for signing up, introduce yourself, and provide the link to download the lead magnet. End with a teaser for the next email.
  2. Email 2: Share More Value
    • Subject: "3 Tips to [Achieve a Goal Related to Your Niche]"
    • Body: Provide valuable tips related to your niche. This builds trust and positions you as an expert.
  3. Email 3: Tell Your Story
    • Subject: "How I [Overcame a Challenge Related to Your Niche]"
    • Body: Share a personal story that connects with your audience’s struggles. This helps them relate to you and see the value in what you offer.
  4. Email 4: Introduce Your Offer
    • Subject: "Ready to [Achieve a Specific Outcome]?"
    • Body: Introduce the product or service you’re offering. Highlight how it solves their problem and why it’s the next logical step after consuming your free content.
  5. Email 5: Overcome Objections
    • Subject: "Not Sure? Here’s Why [Your Product/Service] is Perfect for You"
    • Body: Address common objections and provide testimonials or case studies to reassure your audience.
  6. Email 6: Create Urgency
    • Subject: "Last Chance to Get [Your Offer] at This Price"
    • Body: Create a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time discount or bonus if they take action now.

Step 4: Drive Traffic to Your Landing Page

Now that your funnel is set up, you need to get people into it! Here are a few strategies to drive traffic to your landing page:

  1. Social Media: Share your landing page on all your social media platforms. Create posts, stories, and even videos that highlight the benefits of your lead magnet.
  2. YouTube: If you’re a YouTuber, mention your lead magnet in your videos and include the link in your video descriptions. Creating specific lead magnets for the topic of the video will get you better conversions.
  3. Blog Posts: If you’re a blogger, write a post that’s related to your lead magnet and include a call-to-action within the post to download it.
  4. Collaborations: Partner with other creators in your niche to promote each other’s lead magnets. This can help you reach a broader audience.
  5. Email Signature: Add a link to your landing page in your email signature. This is an easy way to promote your lead magnet to everyone you email.

Pro Tips

You’ve just set up a complete sales funnel designed to attract, nurture, and convert your audience into loyal customers.

A few final tips:

  • Consistency is Key: Keep driving traffic to your landing page and consistently nurture your email list with valuable content.
  • Test & Optimize: Pay attention to how your funnel is performing. Experiment with different headlines, email subject lines, and calls to action to see what works best.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to emails, ask for feedback, and stay connected with your subscribers. The more engaged they are, the more likely they’ll become customers.

Reply to this email with your biggest struggle in these 4 steps and let's see how we can help you out.

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Check out the full video about this above.

So, if you haven’t already, go ahead and sign up for ConvertKit’s free newsletter plan using the link in the description below.
Sign up for Convertkit Free Newsletter Plan, this includes 10,000 free subscribers, a landing page and automation for you to run it hands-free.

video preview

The Content Strategy of a $40,000,000 Business | Thom Gibson

🎯 Thom's Background: Thom transitioned from teaching to becoming a social media strategist at ConvertKit, combining his passion for content creation with his background in education.

📊 ConvertKit's Strategy: ConvertKit balances educational content with engaging, value-driven videos to attract and retain users, particularly through their rebranding to Kit.

💡 Lead Magnets: Thom discusses the importance of offering relevant, easy-to-digest lead magnets to convert social media followers into email subscribers, emphasizing the need for quick wins.

📝 Email Sequences: Both Thom and Mike highlight the effectiveness of automated email sequences for maintaining engagement without the constant need to create new content.

📚 Content Repurposing: ConvertKit repurposes content across platforms, including using video clips in newsletters and social media posts, to maximize reach.

🎨 Personal Branding: Nathan Barry's personal brand (CEO Convertkit) is leveraged to promote ConvertKit, with content being created specifically for his channels to boost visibility and engagement.

💻 Framework Videos: Videos that present content as a framework, rather than just a list, tend to perform better both in terms of engagement and conversion rates.

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Milan Smets

We help founders and agencies generate leads 24/7 from YouTube with just 2 hours a month. Build a community of true followers and turn viewers into customers with evergreen video sales assets.

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